Sunday 26 January 2014

A quiet one

 Very quiet in Milan on Australia Day. 
From the end of via Washington the view of the Alps gives a hint of the cold weather expected in Milan this week, but today it felt like spring. A beautifully sunny Australia Day. Our sympathies to those on the other side of the Atlantic trying to stay warm.
After seeing a Jackson Pollock exhibition at the Palazzo Reale, we walked over to my latest favourite cafe, Caffe Botega Cacao in The Brera for a panino and coffee.
Thanks to Stefano's strong will we resisted their delicious tarts.
 Too cold for us to sit outside, but not for the Milanese who were soaking up the sun.
On our way home we passed our local pub.
They too seemed to be having a very quiet Australia Day.
Hope they have a quiet Australia Day night!

Giorno felice Australia.

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